
Thanks for coming here to donate! Your DDMA Board suggests the following Voluntary Dues Schedule:

Your Class Monthly Dues Yearly Dues
0 to 5 years since class year (baby alums!) $1 $11
6 to 10 years since class year (fresh crust!) $3 $33
11 or more years since class year (vintage crust/old guys) $6 $66
Doox Patrons (everyone willing and able!) $10 $110

One-Time or Monthly Donation
Make a one-time or monthly donation now by clicking here.

Yearly Donation
Make a yearly commitment using the drop-down button below:

Subscription Options

We hope you will make the alumni association of your charitable giving this and every year. The DDMA Board has committed to 100% participation of board members in our annual appeal, and we hope you will join us.


Dorian Rivers ’96, President
John Langfitt ’81, President Emeritus
Michael Hrycelak ’97, President Emeritusus
Tom Bulleit ’79, President Emeritususus